
The survey is used to facilitate the design of training solutions for shop-floor managers by collecting information about the status quo of management and clarifying training demands. The questionnaires should be taken by executives, HR managers, HR specialist for training, production managers and direct leader of the line leaders.
公司名称 Company Name
行业  Industry
生产类型 Manufacturing Type
主营业务 Major Business
营业收入 Annual Operating Revenue
员工人数 Number of Employees
一线管理者人数 Number of Line Leaders
您的姓名 Your Name
您的职位 Your Position
联系电话 Phone
联系邮箱 E-mail
Below are five questions to evaluate your demands for training, each with four descriptions. Please choose ONE description best matching your demand.
1. 现阶段要推行一线管理者培训项目的的需求来源是:
1. Which choice best describes your motive to carry out shop-floor training for line leaders?
现场的水平和基层管理能力达不到管理者和公司的要求 Current shop-floor management fails to meet the requirement of the board and the enterprise
公司一直致力于一线管理者的培养,此次培训就是按计划贯彻这一思想 The enterprise has always been keen on the fostering of line leaders, and this training is just following the enterprise’s philosophy
现阶段公司业务扩张迅速,因此也需要快速复制能够基本胜任的一线管理者 Current business is expanding rapidly, hence the enterprise entails more qualified line leaders within a short time of fostering
公司的发展、变革和升级,对一线管理者能力提出了更高的要求,需要一线管理者和公司一同持续发展 The development ,transformation and upgrading of enterprise bring in higher requirements and expectations towards the line leaders, and they should grow up with keeping pace with the enterprise
2. 此次培训的希望在工作和业务上怎样的改善:
2. What is your expected improvement in shop-floor management throughout this training?
公司的快速发展,要求一线管理者的绩效要随同公司发展要有大的突破或拓展 A rapid development of enterprise requires major improvement in the performance of line leaders.
对目前一线管理者的工作和业务基本满意,就是希望通过培训能进一步提升绩效 The enterprise basically feels satisfied with the line leaders, and just wish to further improve their performance throughout the training.
一线管理者的绩效表现普遍达不到公司或领导的期望 The performance of line leaders mostly deviates from expectations from the enterprise.
希望出现大量新任一线管理者的状况下,一线管理者整体也能够完成管理任务和目标 With the influx of a great amount of new line leaders, the whole line leaders team can keep fulfilling their management duties and targets as well.
3. 希望能通过此次培训,对一线管理者的能力提升目标是:
3. What’s your target of improving the line leaders’ capability by this training
为公司扩张、转型储备所需的班组长队伍 The training is for building up talent pool of line leaders for the expansion and transformation of the enterprise.
让一线管理者的能力快速跟上公司管理升级的要求 The line leader can keep up with the upgrading of enterprise management.
常态化提升班组个人成长和发展路径 The training is for improving the line leaders’ personal capability and broaden their channel for development regularly.
希望针对一线管理者的能力弱项进行提高,使他们能够胜任公司最基本的岗位要求 Wish to make up for the line leaders’ weakness in capability to fit with the most basic requirements for them.
4. 公司在一线管理者培养现状需要解决的问题是哪一个:
4. Which one best describes the major pain point in fostering line leaders?
新储备的一线管理者擅长业务能力缺乏基本的班组管理能力 Back-up line leaders are adept in practical work while lack basic capability in team management.
公司需要引进外部机构来提升一线管理者的基础能力 The enterprise need to bring in external resource for lifting up the line leaders’ basic capability in management.
所有阶层的人员都需要进行持续学习,一线管理者也不例外 Staff of all levels should keep learning, and the line leaders are of no exception.
应对公司管理进阶升级的挑战,一线管理者的能力出现短板 There are major shortcomings in the line leaders’ capability when coping with the challenge from enterprise’s management upgrading.
5. 对此次培训开展的项目开展的目标是:
5. What is your expectation for the training program?
作为公司培训政策,有节奏有计划的持续精进提升一线管理者各方面素养 The training can keep improving line leaders’ overall capability in a planned and systematic way as the component of enterprise training policy.
在公司现有培训基础上有效实施对一线管理者的培训 The enterprise can Implement effective training towards the line leaders based on current training foundation.
企业管理模式升级,要求一线管理者胜任更有挑战或新的管理岗位 The upgrading of enterprise management model requires the line leaders to be competent for new management positions or more challenging ones.
因组织扩张和转型,需要做好一线的人才储备 The enterprise should build up talent pool for line leaders for the expansion and transformation of enterprise.
About the current situation of your company's line leaders and your expectations for the training of them,What else do you want to say:

Among the following questions, Choose ONE which best describes the status quo of line leaders in your enterprise
完全符合 Absolutely Matched较符合 Mostly Matched较不符合 Mostly Not Matched不符合 Absolutely Not Matched
1. 作为一线管理者却做着骨干员工的工作 The line leaders act more like backbone workers instead of the leaders.
1. 作为一线管理者却做着骨干员工的工作 The line leaders act more like backbone workers instead of the leaders.
2. 一线管理者天天忙忙碌碌,像救火队员 The line leaders are busy with solving problems around the day like firefighters.
2. 一线管理者天天忙忙碌碌,像救火队员 The line leaders are busy with solving problems around the day like firefighters.
3. 一线管理者只注重做好事情,忽略管人 The line leaders focus only on doing things well but ignore managing people
3. 一线管理者只注重做好事情,忽略管人 The line leaders focus only on doing things well but ignore managing people
4. 一线管理者缺乏职业成长的动力和规划 The line leaders lack of motivation and planning for career development
4. 一线管理者缺乏职业成长的动力和规划 The line leaders lack of motivation and planning for career development
5. 一线管理者经常推卸作为管理者的责任 The line leaders always shirk their responsibility in management
5. 一线管理者经常推卸作为管理者的责任 The line leaders always shirk their responsibility in management
6. 一线管理者在汇报工作时逻辑不清没有结构 The line leaders lack of clear logic and structure when reporting works.
6. 一线管理者在汇报工作时逻辑不清没有结构 The line leaders lack of clear logic and structure when reporting works.
7. 一线管理者对领导下达的指令不能准确理解 The line leaders fail to comprehend superior leaders’ instruction precisely
7. 一线管理者对领导下达的指令不能准确理解 The line leaders fail to comprehend superior leaders’ instruction precisely
8. 一线管理者对员工不规范行为缺乏有效反馈 The line leaders seldom give feedback on the workers’ misbehavior.
8. 一线管理者对员工不规范行为缺乏有效反馈 The line leaders seldom give feedback on the workers’ misbehavior.
9. 一线管理者不能有效控制自己和员工的情绪 The line leaders can not control the workers’ nor theirs’ emotion effectively.
9. 一线管理者不能有效控制自己和员工的情绪 The line leaders can not control the workers’ nor theirs’ emotion effectively.
10. 一线管理者不能处理好跨部门沟通中的问题 The line leaders can not deal with cross-functional problems well.
10. 一线管理者不能处理好跨部门沟通中的问题 The line leaders can not deal with cross-functional problems well.
完全符合 Absolutely Matched较符合 Mostly Matched较不符合 Mostly Not Matched不符合 Absolutely Not Matched
11. 基层员工的队伍不够稳定,离职率比较高 The shop-floor team is not stable with high turnover rate
11. 基层员工的队伍不够稳定,离职率比较高 The shop-floor team is not stable with high turnover rate
12. 一线管理者缺乏处理基层员工抱怨的对策 The line leaders lack solutions to deal with complaints from shop-floor workers.
12. 一线管理者缺乏处理基层员工抱怨的对策 The line leaders lack solutions to deal with complaints from shop-floor workers.
13. 基层员工缺乏积极向上的精神,士气低落 The shop-floor workers are of low morale and lack motivation to pursue excellence.
13. 基层员工缺乏积极向上的精神,士气低落 The shop-floor workers are of low morale and lack motivation to pursue excellence.
14. 缺乏对基层员工的绩效考核或体系不合理 The line leaders lack performance evaluation system for grass-root workers, or the system is irrational.
14. 缺乏对基层员工的绩效考核或体系不合理 The line leaders lack performance evaluation system for grass-root workers, or the system is irrational.
15. 班组缺乏凝聚力,扯皮或推诿等现象严重 The shop-floor team lack unity and there are lots of disputes and prevarications among the members.
15. 班组缺乏凝聚力,扯皮或推诿等现象严重 The shop-floor team lack unity and there are lots of disputes and prevarications among the members.
16. 基层员工缺乏相互协作,只完成本职工作 The grass-root workers lack the awareness of coordination and cares merely their own duties.
16. 基层员工缺乏相互协作,只完成本职工作 The grass-root workers lack the awareness of coordination and cares merely their own duties.
17. 一线管理者缺乏提升班组团队绩效的方法 The line leaders lack approaches to improve team performance.
17. 一线管理者缺乏提升班组团队绩效的方法 The line leaders lack approaches to improve team performance.
18. 基层员工对公司的诉求不符合公司的期望 The grass-root workers’ requests deviate from the enterprise’s expectation.
18. 基层员工对公司的诉求不符合公司的期望 The grass-root workers’ requests deviate from the enterprise’s expectation.
19. 基层员工对一线管理者或班组团队不信任 The grass-root workers hold distrust against the line leaders and their team.
19. 基层员工对一线管理者或班组团队不信任 The grass-root workers hold distrust against the line leaders and their team.
20. 一线管理者难以组织全员参与的集体活动 The shop-floor leaders have difficulty in organizing a group activity with participation of all team members.
20. 一线管理者难以组织全员参与的集体活动 The shop-floor leaders have difficulty in organizing a group activity with participation of all team members.
完全符合 Absolutely Matched较符合 Mostly Matched较不符合 Mostly Not Matched不符合 Absolutely Not Matched
21. 一线管理者在员工心目中缺乏足够的影响力 The line-leader is insufficient in influence among team members
21. 一线管理者在员工心目中缺乏足够的影响力 The line-leader is insufficient in influence among team members
22. 一线管理者不能给员工制定清晰的工作目标 The line-leaders fails to set up clear work objectives for the workers.
22. 一线管理者不能给员工制定清晰的工作目标 The line-leaders fails to set up clear work objectives for the workers.
23. 一线管理者没有针对基层员工进行梯队建设 The line-leaders lack of echelon construction for grass-root workers.
23. 一线管理者没有针对基层员工进行梯队建设 The line-leaders lack of echelon construction for grass-root workers.
24. 一线管理者不能引导员工为高绩效作出改变 The line-leaders can not lead the workers to improve for high performance.
24. 一线管理者不能引导员工为高绩效作出改变 The line-leaders can not lead the workers to improve for high performance.
25. 一线管理者不善于因人因事而异地领导员工 The line-leaders are short in adjusting their leading manners facing different workers and circumstances.
25. 一线管理者不善于因人因事而异地领导员工 The line-leaders are short in adjusting their leading manners facing different workers and circumstances.
26. 一线管理者缺乏为员工制定培训计划的技能 The line-leaders lack of skills for drawing up training plans for grass-root workers.
26. 一线管理者缺乏为员工制定培训计划的技能 The line-leaders lack of skills for drawing up training plans for grass-root workers.
27. 基层员工的学习意愿低,不愿意学习新知识 The grass-root workers are reluctant to take in new knowledge.
27. 基层员工的学习意愿低,不愿意学习新知识 The grass-root workers are reluctant to take in new knowledge.
28. 一线管理者缺乏因人而异地指导下属的技能 The line-leaders are not skilled in applying different methods of instruction towards different workers.
28. 一线管理者缺乏因人而异地指导下属的技能 The line-leaders are not skilled in applying different methods of instruction towards different workers.
29. 基层员工缺乏技能已严重影响到产量和质量 The grass-root workers’ deficiency in working skills has severely impacted the output quality and quantity .
29. 基层员工缺乏技能已严重影响到产量和质量 The grass-root workers’ deficiency in working skills has severely impacted the output quality and quantity .
30. 基层员工的入职培训周期长,无法快速上岗 The long period of orientation training for grass-root worker cause them slow in fitting in the post.
30. 基层员工的入职培训周期长,无法快速上岗 The long period of orientation training for grass-root worker cause them slow in fitting in the post.
完全符合 Absolutely Matched较符合 Mostly Matched较不符合 Mostly Not Matched不符合 Absolutely Not Matched
31. 工作任务分配等基础管理工作不够规范 Some basic management items like work assignment are deviating the standard.
31. 工作任务分配等基础管理工作不够规范 Some basic management items like work assignment are deviating the standard.
32. 一线管理者的日常管理工作效率比较低 The line-leaders are inefficient in daily management.
32. 一线管理者的日常管理工作效率比较低 The line-leaders are inefficient in daily management.
33. 一线管理者凭经验处理日常管理的事务 The line-leaders are prone to deal with daily management items mostly based on experiences.
33. 一线管理者凭经验处理日常管理的事务 The line-leaders are prone to deal with daily management items mostly based on experiences.
34. 一线管理者无法理清工作中的轻重缓急 The line leaders fail to sort out the order of priorities in daily work.
34. 一线管理者无法理清工作中的轻重缓急 The line leaders fail to sort out the order of priorities in daily work.
35. 一线管理者缺乏标准化的日常管理清单 The line leaders lack of standardized worksheet for daily management.
35. 一线管理者缺乏标准化的日常管理清单 The line leaders lack of standardized worksheet for daily management.
36. 基层员工经常违反设备操作和点检等工作规范 The grass-root workers always violate the working regulations like equipment operation or inspection.
36. 基层员工经常违反设备操作和点检等工作规范 The grass-root workers always violate the working regulations like equipment operation or inspection.
37. 一线管理者不能按照要求执行上级交待的任务 The line-leaders fail to execute the missions assigned by superior leaders according to the requirements.
37. 一线管理者不能按照要求执行上级交待的任务 The line-leaders fail to execute the missions assigned by superior leaders according to the requirements.
38. 一线管理者不能监控员工保质保量地完成任务 The line leaders can not monitor the workers’ output quantity and quality.
38. 一线管理者不能监控员工保质保量地完成任务 The line leaders can not monitor the workers’ output quantity and quality.
39. 一线管理者因对工作标准不清晰而执行不到位 The line leaders fail to perform duties well due to vague working standards.
39. 一线管理者因对工作标准不清晰而执行不到位 The line leaders fail to perform duties well due to vague working standards.
40. 一线管理者对员工执行力不足的问题缺乏对策 The line leaders lack of countermeasures for the workers’ poor execution.
40. 一线管理者对员工执行力不足的问题缺乏对策 The line leaders lack of countermeasures for the workers’ poor execution.
完全符合 Absolutely Matched较符合 Mostly Matched较不符合 Mostly Not Matched不符合 Absolutely Not Matched
41. 基层员工在改善工作中抱怨没有足够资源 The grass-root workers complain of insufficient resource for working improvement.
41. 基层员工在改善工作中抱怨没有足够资源 The grass-root workers complain of insufficient resource for working improvement.
42. 基层员工不愿参与到公司推行的改善活动 The grass-root workers are reluctant to play a part in activities for improvement.
42. 基层员工不愿参与到公司推行的改善活动 The grass-root workers are reluctant to play a part in activities for improvement.
43. 一线管理者对推行改善工作缺乏坚定信心 The grass-root workers hold doubts about the improvement activities.
43. 一线管理者对推行改善工作缺乏坚定信心 The grass-root workers hold doubts about the improvement activities.
44. 一线管理者缺乏推动现场改善的管理工具 The line leaders lack of management tools for on-site improvement.
44. 一线管理者缺乏推动现场改善的管理工具 The line leaders lack of management tools for on-site improvement.
45. 现场改善的效果不够明显或无法长期维持 The effects of on-site improvement are not clearly shown nor long-termly maintained.
45. 现场改善的效果不够明显或无法长期维持 The effects of on-site improvement are not clearly shown nor long-termly maintained.
46. 一线管理者缺乏问题意识,发现不了问题 The line leaders fail to spot question due to their lack of question awareness.
46. 一线管理者缺乏问题意识,发现不了问题 The line leaders fail to spot question due to their lack of question awareness.
47. 一线管理者不能清楚准确地描述现场问题 The line leaders can not describe on-site problem clearly and correctly.
47. 一线管理者不能清楚准确地描述现场问题 The line leaders can not describe on-site problem clearly and correctly.
48. 一线管理者不会分析问题,不能对症下药 The line leaders can not analyze the problem nor find suitable methods to solve it.
48. 一线管理者不会分析问题,不能对症下药 The line leaders can not analyze the problem nor find suitable methods to solve it.
49. 一线管理者缺乏主动性,习惯将问题升级 The line leaders lack initiatives for problem solving, and habitually report the problem to superior leaders.
49. 一线管理者缺乏主动性,习惯将问题升级 The line leaders lack initiatives for problem solving, and habitually report the problem to superior leaders.
50. 解决问题不够彻底,相似问题常重复发生 The line leaders can not solve problems from the bottom and similar ones recurred frequently.
50. 解决问题不够彻底,相似问题常重复发生 The line leaders can not solve problems from the bottom and similar ones recurred frequently.
51. 员工对推广5S活动的意义缺乏准确的认知 The grass-root lack of correct understanding of 5S implementation.
51. 员工对推广5S活动的意义缺乏准确的认知 The grass-root lack of correct understanding of 5S implementation.
52. 一线管理者对员工的5S工作缺乏及时监督 The line leaders lack of supervision of 5S work.
52. 一线管理者对员工的5S工作缺乏及时监督 The line leaders lack of supervision of 5S work.
53. 生产现场的物料缺乏定置定位,寻找时间长 It always took a long time to find materials due to the lack of fixing position.
53. 生产现场的物料缺乏定置定位,寻找时间长 It always took a long time to find materials due to the lack of fixing position.
54. 现场物品放置地点不合理,员工取用不方便 Inappropriate fixing position for on-site articles cause inconvenience for workers.
54. 现场物品放置地点不合理,员工取用不方便 Inappropriate fixing position for on-site articles cause inconvenience for workers.
55. 现场油污灰尘垃圾比较多,工作环境不舒适 Too much dirt, oil stain and garbage lead to uncomfortable working environment.
55. 现场油污灰尘垃圾比较多,工作环境不舒适 Too much dirt, oil stain and garbage lead to uncomfortable working environment.